The benefits of dental implants

If you have missing teeth and are finding that worries about your smile are negatively affecting your relationships and your overall confidence, then dental implants may be the solution for you. 

You are certainly not alone. Over half of people today are affected by the loss of one or more teeth, whether the cause congenital or due to an accident or injury. 

Do I need dental implants?

Are you embarrassed about missing teeth? Do you often overcook food to make it easier to chew?  Maybe you already wear dentures but find you experience physical discomfort when eating, or even have a tendency to gag? If you have answered yes to any of those questions, then dental implants will most definitely benefit you, both in terms of your well-being and your oral health.  For more information or to discuss your options, call us today on 01925 752209 or contact us by email and we will get back to you.

How do dental implants work?

An artificial root or anchor is surgically placed into the bone of the missing tooth and the custom-made tooth or crown can then be attached using the abutment which protrudes from the gum. 

The bone will grow and attach to the implant, which stabilises it during a process called osseointegration. This may take anywhere from 3-6 months.

What is the cost of dental implants?

Dental implants may carry a higher initial cost but are actually extremely time and cost effective in comparison to the alternatives, which normally involve on-going and continual treatments, cleaning and replacements.  Dental implants are a long-term solution to missing teeth and the financial outlay is most definitely worth the boost in comfort and self-confidence that dental implants will give you. 

What are the advantages of dental implants?
Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth and they won’t cause wrinkling of the face which is often seen with dentures.
Dental implants are a more permanent solution in comparison to dentures and bridges and you will be able to get straight back into a normal routine for oral hygiene.
Dental implants are long lasting and over time are more cost effective than the alternatives.

Do dental implants cause complications?

Dental implants are composed of biocompatible materials which mean they won’t be rejected by the body. It is, of course, necessary to maintain good oral health to ensure that the implants do not become infected. If you are in need of dental implants or would like more information or a consultation, then call us today on 01925 752209 or contact us by email and we will call  you back. Higher Lane Dental Practice is located in the village of Lymm, Cheshire.