Dental Treatment Options
We believe in preventative dentistry, maintaining your dental health and enabling you to spread the cost of your routine dental care. Your regular dental check-ups include an oral cancer screening, plus detection of any decay early enough to prevent significant damage.
Cosmetic Dentistry
We believe you should spend time showing off your smile, not hiding it! Smile makeovers are no longer just for the rich and famous and our range of cutting-edge cosmetic treatments can help you with your discoloured, worn, chipped or crooked teeth.
Losing teeth can affect you physically and emotionally. Thankfully, dental implants have revolutionised tooth restoration. A small but strong post used in place of a missing tooth root, dental implants allow patients to chew and eat with ease.
Treatments include:
Consultation & Exam
Teeth Grinding
Periodontal Treatment
Routine/Preventative Care
Treatments include:
Smile Makeovers
Smile Design
Teeth Whitening
Treatments include:
Single dental Implants
All-on-4 implants
Invisalign® consultation
Invisalign® options
Orthodontic journey