Dental Implants in Cheshire


About dental implants

A dental implant is a small but strong titanium post used in place of a missing tooth root. The post is planted in the jaw to support a replacement tooth. Implants are artificial, yet work like natural roots and are a long-term solution for natural function.

They act as a support or base for fixing individual crowns, multi-tooth bridges, or an entire dental prosthesis.

Implant treatment normally has two phases:

Phase 1

First, the implant is placed in the jaw. The procedure is normally possible with local anaesthetic together with light sedation if you prefer. The dental implant then needs to integrate fully with the jaw bone. This process usually takes between 8 - 12 weeks. It is possible to wear temporary dentures or bridges during the healing period.

Phase 2

Once the jaw has healed, impressions can then be taken and sent off to the laboratory to construct a custom-made crown or bridge that matches the natural teeth. Following this, your new replacement teeth are attached to the implant.

What are the benefits of implants?

Until fairly recently, traditional dentures and bridges were the only options for replacing missing teeth. Some people can’t comfortably wear dentures. They can be uncomfortable, they don’t remain in place, and they can cause embarrassing clicking noises when you eat, speak or laugh.

Traditional bridges require reduction of the teeth adjacent to the spaces to be restored. This can reduce the lifespan of the teeth. The dental implant has none of these disadvantages.

Improved techniques and advances in the materials used for implants have made the permanent dental implant a better alternative for many people.

Here at Higher Lane Dental Practice, we use a variety of systems dependent on the type of restoration required, whether it be All-On- 4 ( fixed bridge to replace a full set of teeth in one jaw) or a single implant. Many of the cases are planned following a digital 3D scan of the mouth and computer software to provide guided surgical stents.

If you think you are a good candidate for dental implants, then get in touch with our friendly team today to arrange a consultation. Our dental implant treatment will give your teeth a new lease of life.

A more youthful appearance

When a tooth is lost or removed, there is no longer the need for bone, hence it resorbs (shrinks) away over time. Gaps in the mouth can cause the lips and cheeks to lose shape and structure, therefore creating an ageing, ‘caved in' look. Dental implant treatment will prevent this bone loss “atrophy”.

Wearing a denture can make you feel old before your time. However, by filling in the gaps with dental implants, not only will you regain natural function but the dental treatment will also reverse the clock - allowing you to look younger for longer. You can say goodbye to loose, ill-fitting dentures!

Long-lasting results

Before the rise in preventative dental care and advances in dentistry, extracting teeth was a more common method for treating teeth with decay.

Suitable for the majority of adults, dental implants from Higher Lane Dental Practice act as a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. Implants made from titanium have been shown to bond very well to living bone and can last for decades. What's more, they look, feel and work just like the real thing.

Dental implants FAQs

What are dental crowns?

Usually made of porcelain, dental crowns are often fitted to teeth that are heavily filled, chipped or broken. The tooth-shaped cap is placed over the damaged tooth and cemented in place, restoring the appearance and functionality of a damaged tooth. Where a tooth is lost, an implant can be fitted and a crown is then attached to this.

What are dental bridges?

Bridges quite literally ‘bridge the gap’ between missing teeth. A bridge is made up of two anchor teeth, which can be healthy teeth or two crowns held in place by dental implants. A false tooth or teeth fill the gap between.

Will it hurt?

No, the implant is inserted under local anesthetic.


Will temporary teeth be placed on the implant? 

This depends on the individual case. If suitable, a temporary restoration may be placed on the implant during the healing stage. This allows you to enjoy a natural looking smile early on in the process.

What if I don't have much bone left?

Sufficient bone must be present in order for implantation to go ahead. For patients who have insufficient bone, we can offer augmentation. For instance, if a tooth has been missing for a long time and the jaw has already receded.

How long is the healing process?

The healing phase is between 6 and 12 weeks, depending on the individual medical situation. Stitches are removed after approximately one week. Oral hygiene is vital for successful healing.

As your implant bonds itself to the bone, your dentist and the laboratory proceed to make your personalised tooth. This will then be inserted once the healing phase is complete.
